What is an RFP (Request for Payment)?

At ZAGENO we pride ourselves on our ability to simplify your payment flow. 

We facilitate your ability to place orders with any number of suppliers while maintaining a single, simple payment flow - we pay the suppliers, you pay us

When we receive an invoice from a supplier for your order, we process the invoice and initiate payment to the supplier. Once we have received confirmation that your item(s) have shipped, we will deliver that invoice (along with any other available invoices) to you in the form of a ZAGENO RFP.

The RFP acts as a wrapper for one or more invoices and facilitates two key factors that enable us to offer you this simplified payment flow:

  1. It allows you to pay a single creditor (ZAGENO) regardless of how many different suppliers you order from on our marketplace.

  2. It allows us to, wherever possible, batch multiple invoices into a single request for payment. Thereby drastically reducing the amount of payments your Accounts Payable department needs to make and to keep track of.  

All supporting invoices are appended to the RFP document, but as suppliers have already been paid on your behalf by us, only the final amount noted on your RFP is due to ZAGENO. 

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