Released January 2022
ZAGENO is excited to offer a NEW order-related report. This file will be accessible as a CSV zipfile download delivered to your email from the Overview tab in My Orders.
This new order-related report will contain four tabs:
- Orders_Overview: This file contains every order and item you (or your whole organization if all orders are visible) have made within the selected filters, with total and approval information along with the quantity of each item that has been shipped, delivered, received, invoiced and paid.
- Orders_Tracking: This file contains every order and item you’ve made within the selected filters matched to the shipped package(s) that they are contained in.
- Orders_Received: If you have permission to access the Receiving and Received tabs, this file contains every order and item you’ve made within the selected time period matched to the received package(s) that they are contained in.
- Some of the information, such as the received package ID, when an item was marked received, and who it was marked received by – that used to be shown on the invoice-related report on the Payments tab – will now appear here.
- Orders_Invoiced: If you have permission to access the Payments tab, this file contains every order and item you’ve made within the selected filters matched to the invoice and RFP that they are included in. This file will also indicate the quantity of that item that was marked as received and whether a packing slip has been uploaded.
- We have also added some new columns to the invoice-related report on the Payments tab that will now include a unique identifier at the item level and the initially ordered quantity.